Global Awards

MGA Awards

The awards and recognition program of the Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGA) is designed to promote, recognize and reward excellence in the MGA operations and IEEE geographic unit activities (Regions, Councils and Areas, Sections, Chapters, Student Branches, and Student Branch Chapters).

Here, you can find more info on the various awards organized by the MGA Board.

Other important IEEE Awards


The awards and recognition program of the Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGA) is designed to promote, recognize and reward excellence in the MGA operations and IEEE Geographic Unit Activities (Regions, Geographic Councils and Areas, Sections, Chapters, Student Branches, and Student Branch Chapters).

IEEE Awards and Recognitions

For more details see:

Joint Awards with National Societies

The IEEE establishes National Society Agreements with appropriate local societies in the various countries of the world to encourage and contribute to the progress of electricity, electronics, computing sciences, and allied branches of engineering and science – as well as education in those fields – for the ultimate benefit of the engineers and scientists of those countries.
The main purpose of these agreements is to generate cooperation between the country’s National Society, and the local IEEE Section. It is hoped that this cooperation will assist in enhancing the image and position of the engineers and scientists of the country, as well as raising the image of IEEE to the general public.
One of the most successful means of cooperation, thus far, has been the establishment of a Joint National Society / IEEE award.
In the countries where these have been established, the energy and activities of the IEEE Section have increased greatly, as well as the visibility of the IEEE to the public.
These awards are fully sanctioned by the IEEE and the IEEE Awards Board, and have a high IEEE award level similar to an IEEE Technical Field Award. The award organizing committee and the jury for selecting the awardee are drawn from the country organizations cooperating in the joint award, with a representative of the IEEE Awards Board participating as liaison.
Through a grant from the IEEE Foundation, funds are available to assist in the process of creating the first award in a country. After the first award, all project funding must be developed from sources within the country.
The Awards Board has approved the establishment of nine joint awards. For more details see  here.

Fellow & Senior Member Nominations

You are encouraged to consider nominating worthy candidates as Fellows or Senior Members. The Fellows Nomination process has been made a lot easier with electronic submission. Please start early as the deadline of 15 March for Fellows nominations is strictly adhered to.


Please visit the IEEE Fellow Web Site for details. To access the electronic submission system: from the IEEE Fellow Home Page, click “call for nominations” and follow the instructions. If you have questions or comments, e-mail [email protected]

Senior Members

Please visit the IEEE Senior Members Web Site for details and to access the electronic submission system. For information on how your Section or Society can earn cash rewards for nominating a Senior Member candidate, see Nominate a Senior Member Initiative. A list of newly elevated Senior Members is posted on the SM Updates page.
For additional information contact Mila Thelen – IEEE Regional Activities – telephone +1 732 562 6376 . If you have any questions regarding the status of a Senior Member application, e-mail [email protected] or go to the SM Status page.
At its 15 November 2008 meeting, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board approved the 2008 MGA Award recipients listed below. The MGA Awards and Recognitions Committee received many nominations recognizing the accomplishments of candidates whose contributions encompass the vision, mission and goals of MGA. On behalf of the MGA Board and the MGA Awards and Recognitions Committee, we thank all the members who took their time to submit the nominations.

MGA Achievement Award

MGA Leadership Award

MGA Innovation Award

MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award

MGA GOLD (Graduates Of the Last Decade) Achievement Award