How to form a Section WIE Affinity Group?

To form a Section AG, please follow these steps:

  • Visit Petition Form.
  • Go to “Forming an IEEE Geographic unit”.
  • Click on “Access Petition Form” button.
  • A new tab opens; sign in with your IEEE credentials.
  • Follow the steps and let us know if any assistance is needed.
  • You may benefit from up to 200 USD in start-up funding! Please fill the form on Affinity Funding.
  • Additional resources may be found on How-To.

After forming your AG, do not forget to report your officers, meetings, and activities! Visit Officers Reporting and Events Reporting. Do not hesitate to ask us any question you may have 🙂

We will be happy to support your Affinity Group and its activities. Please keep us in the loop of the petition process so we can follow it up, and be in touch with us for any assistance or inquiries! Please send us an email on [email protected] or write us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.